Antiulcerogenic activity of leaf extract of Saccharum officinarum (Poaceae) in rodents
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Background:Saccharum officinarum (Family-Poaceae) is used in Ibibio ethnomedicine for the treatment of various diseases such as malaria and gastrointestinal disorders. The study aimed to evaluate the antiulcerogenic activity of the leaf extract against experimentally-induced ulcer in rats.
Methods:The leaf extract of S. officinarum (170-510 mg/kg) was investigated for antiulcer activity in rodents using indomethacin, ethanol and histamine-induced ulcer models in overnight fasted Wistar rats weighing 125-150 g. The rats were randomized into different groups and treated with extract and ulcerogens. The stomachs of the animals were removed, examined for ulcerations and scored accordingly.
Results: The leaf extract (170-510 mg/kg) was found to exert significant (p<0.05-0.001) and dose-dependent activity against indomethacin, ethanol and histamine-induced ulcers.
Conclusion: These results suggest that the leaf extract of Saccharum officinarum possesses antiulcerogenic potential which is due to the activities of the phytochemical constituents which can be explored for the treatment of ulcers.
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